Trinity Public school is a fast growing Co-Education English Medium Institution of the state established in 2000. The School provides education from Nursery to secondary standard, and aims to provide high standard of education at low expenses. Pre-Nursery (Preparatory) class started from the session 2014-2015 on parent’s demand.
The research on brain development has established that 90% of the brain is developed by the ages of 5 years and children learn more rapidly in these early years of life. It is therefore important that the children should be given every opportunity to fulfill their potential. So we hope to play our vital part by offering your children a variety of experiences and activities designed for their future individual development.
To impart our experiences and activities, two kinds of rooms are separated from our main school building for Pre-Nursery children. These rooms are well equipped with different equipments for different activities for the children. Pre-Nursery education is about focusing on the development of the individual child, and during your children’s time in Pre-Nursery, he/she will experience a great variety of activities based on the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence:
Aims of the school for Pre-Nursery Children are::
Child Development section of Trinity Pre-Nursery is a colorful one. It provides children all the tools and aids which foster their all the round development-from puzzles,blocks,flash cards to hammer set and beads. The place is equipped with innovative teaching aids.
Creative section is the place where the talents of the children are discovered and honed painting sessions are conducted in this beautifully set section. In science corner teachers conduct experiments on water and air, explain the phenomenon of magnetism and such scientific facts. This helps in developing a scientific attitude and a questioning mind in little ones.
In audio visual room with digital board, every concept is given the shape of virtual reality. Not only concepts, children indulge in fun with friends watching noddy or their favorite flicks like Hanuman and Bheem.
Since stage exposure for every child is the uniqueness of the curriculum of Trinity Pre-Nursery, a mini auditorium with a stage is an integral part of all the facilities.
The room are beautifully decorated with large cut outs of animals,flowers,birds,trees and cartoon characters so that new children enjoy and get attracted towards their first school.
School campus is Wi-Fi for 24 hours. Parents can see the class room activities through internet anywhere.Results of annual examinations can be seen on our website. www.trinitypublicschool.ac.in
Every child at the age between 3 to 3.. years is admissible to Trinity Pre-Nursery Class. Number of seat will be increased year by year. Only limited seats are arranged for this session 2016-17.Experience our preparatory class.
Uniform of Pre-Nursery will be available at our school shop' Winner Dresses' Paona Bazar near Leima Shopping & Sagolband Moirang Leirak, Akaam Lampak.